Christian Woman Must-haves: How to Start an Intimate Relationship with Jesus

I’ve been on a “serious” walk with Jesus for a little over a year now. I say “serious” because there were several times when I tried my hardest (or maybe not) to wake up in the morning before anyone else, spend time with Jesus, and read the Word. Apparently, those times never stuck in the past. Fortunately, things finally began to turn around for me once I implemented the tips that I will be discussing with you down below.

Resurrection Day or Easter Sunday?

Now don’t get me wrong, growing up I did participate in the egg hunts and I believe I may have (unwillingly) been a part of the whole “It’s time to buy Easter Sunday dresses.” propaganda. But still, I never understood what this whole day was about. I just knew I was supposed to be in somebody’s church because not doing so would make me look like a huge sinner.

What If We Were Real? (Transparency Edition)

Although, I lied about what I do for a living, I couldn’t help but wonder why I didn’t just tell her the truth. I mean, I am getting better with accepting what I truly do for a living. Or, so I thought.

God’s Grace is Sufficient

God knew exactly who and what He was getting before ever creating you. He knew what you would do before you did it. Every mistake, bad decision, everything you eventually regretted—he knew about it already. And guess what?